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  1. Need Someone to Talk To? A Guide to Getting Help

    They used to call being married to a soldier “the toughest job in the Army.”  Now more than ever, it still is, and sometimes we need some support. As military family members, it is important to remember that although most of us do not deploy or face combat situations, we...
  2. Getting The Most Out Of Military OneSource

    The Department of Defense offers military families a comprehensive resource for all aspects of readiness, resilience, and even recreation. The program, called Military OneSouce, is meant as a virtual extension of on-base services. It offers one source of easily accessible information, resources, and services for military families. For example, Military...
  3. Financial Aid for Military Spouses (Part 1)

    Education is the best way to increase your employment opportunities and your earning potential, and for many people, learning is a worthwhile goal in its own right.  The bad news is that the cost of higher education is steadily increasing.  The good news is that college can be affordable; financial...