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  1. Financial Aid For Military Spouses (Part 2)

    Part 1 of this article covered financial aid options which are available to everyone.  As military spouses, we face unique challenges in our educational pursuits; fortunately, we also have access to unique resources to help fund our educations, such as Career Advancement Accounts and a number of scholarships specifically for...
  2. Putting the Right Spin on Employers’ Assumptions about Military Spouses

    Military spouses face some serious challenges in the job market, especially compared to our civilian counterparts. A 2007 study by the RAND Institute found that military spouses consistently had higher unemployment rates, lower wages, and slimmer prospects for advancement than civilian spouses with the same education, experience, and demographic profile....
  3. Financial Aid for Military Spouses (Part 1)

    Education is the best way to increase your employment opportunities and your earning potential, and for many people, learning is a worthwhile goal in its own right.  The bad news is that the cost of higher education is steadily increasing.  The good news is that college can be affordable; financial...
  4. Finding a Job after Moving

    Moving is a stressful time for any family, but when your spouse is in the military it becomes even more complex. If you plan on seeking employment after the move, consider the following tips: Plan ahead Update your resume before the chaos begins. After you arrive in a new place...
  5. Resume Tips

    Whether you are entering the job market for the first time or simply updating your resume, it is important to consider a few things. When you apply for a job, your resume is likely to just get a short glance, so it should make a positive impact right away. You...
  6. How to Leave a Job Gracefully

    If you’re a working military spouse, you know that we get a lot of experience at leaving jobs when Uncle Sam sends us elsewhere.  Even though we don’t get a real choice in the matter, we can choose to be responsible, considerate, and helpful when we break the news and...
  7. Choosing an Online School: Safety Tips for your Education

    For service members or military spouses seeking higher education, online programs often sound like the perfect choice. Online classes are portable, so you don’t have to transfer every time you move, and mid-semester PCS or deployment orders are much less likely to wreck your transcript if you can take your...
  8. Career Advancement with MyCAA

    Education pays; the more education you have, the more likely you are to find a job and the more you are likely to earn.   The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that high school graduates earn a median yearly income of $33,072, compared to $37,024 with some college credits and $39,884...