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  1. Preparing Your Children for Deployment

    Children of military members make sacrifices every day. They have less quality time with their parents because of lengthy deployments and longer working hours. During your deployment it is important that your spouse and children are aware of the support programs and services available in the military community. You should...
  2. 5 Lessons on Fatherhood from…PT?

    Fathers, like children, should walk around with their eyes wide open.  There are lessons everywhere – something to learn from everyday activities, wisdom to glean from our superiors and our subordinates, and a lot of applicable knowledge from our military careers. Yes, even PT can teach us a thing or...
  3. Lessons on Fatherhood From General Patton

    For those of you who are up on your U.S. military history, you know about General George S. Patton:  He was a complicated, mercurial man with delusions of grandeur, severe dyslexia and bipolar disorder.  He was also one of the finest military minds that history has ever produced. He graduated...
  4. 9 Reasons To Be The Best Military Dad You Can Be

    What makes the difference between a good Marine and a great Marine?  When I take the measure of my Marines – their capabilities, their strengths, their weaknesses and their welfare – I use a lot of metrics to form my judgments. But there are some things, called “intangibles” because they...
  5. A Guide to Understanding Deployment

    Being a parent can be a difficult task in itself, but being an active duty military parent can not only be complicated, but also strenuous on a family unit. The United States Armed Forces have taken precautionary measures to insure the safety and well-being of all military dependents. Why The...
  6. Christmas and the Military: 9 Must Read Books for All Ages

    There isn’t any time like Christmas to curl up and read a good book by the fire. It’s also the perfect time to learn more about special and different Christmas stories that have happened all over the world, or that elaborate on families missing a member during the holidays. There...
  7. Last Minute DIY Military Costumes for the Kids

    Tomorrow’s Halloween and you suddenly realize – you have nothing for the kids to wear. This seems to happen to us every year, things get busy in October and we keep thinking, “We’ll just pop in and grab a costume at…” and then we never do. We’re left the day...
  8. 5 Ways to Help Military New Parents

    Becoming a parent for the first time is a huge adjustment for anyone, but add to that the stresses of military life and long distances from support networks and military families face unique challenges in adjusting to parenthood. Here are five ways you can help military families welcoming their first...