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  1. 5 Lessons on Fatherhood from…PT?

    Fathers, like children, should walk around with their eyes wide open.  There are lessons everywhere – something to learn from everyday activities, wisdom to glean from our superiors and our subordinates, and a lot of applicable knowledge from our military careers. Yes, even PT can teach us a thing or...
  2. Lessons on Fatherhood From General Patton

    For those of you who are up on your U.S. military history, you know about General George S. Patton:  He was a complicated, mercurial man with delusions of grandeur, severe dyslexia and bipolar disorder.  He was also one of the finest military minds that history has ever produced. He graduated...
  3. 9 Reasons To Be The Best Military Dad You Can Be

    What makes the difference between a good Marine and a great Marine?  When I take the measure of my Marines – their capabilities, their strengths, their weaknesses and their welfare – I use a lot of metrics to form my judgments. But there are some things, called “intangibles” because they...
  4. Cuts to Military Health Benefits On The Horizon

    In a rare moment of bipartisanship, the top Republican on the Senate’s Armed Services Committee has endorsed President Obama’s proposal to cut military health benefits. Senator John McCain of Arizona will recommend to the Congressional “super committee” – a collection of Senators and Representatives tasked with cutting the federal budget by $1.2 trillion...
  5. Understanding the Returning Warrior

    After many long months of worrying and waiting, of staying strong when times were tough, of pushing hard through fear and anticipation, your servicemember is coming home. They are the same person you have known and loved – but they have changed. Whether this was their first deployment or their...
  6. VA Disability Benefits – A Primer

    Everyone in the military, or in a military family, knows someone who got a disability rating when they got out of the service.  I know several – and not all of them are guys who have even deployed, much less seen combat. Working as a soldier, sailor, airman or Marine...
  7. Stopping Military Sexual Assault is Men’s Work

    To the men out there who are reading Military Family, take a minute with me.  I want to talk with you. Imagine the woman in your life that is dearest to you – your wife, perhaps, or girlfriend. Maybe your mother or sister, or an old, dear friend. For only...
  8. Military Suicide is at an All-Time High

    Tragically, the Marine Corps and the Army released their reports on suicide for 2011, and we’ve learned that among Marines, suicide attempts are higher than they’ve ever been, and in the Army, more soldiers have taken their own lives than in any year previously. It is a matter of deep...
  9. More Violence in Kids with Deployed Parents

    In light of a new study that shows children with deployed parents are twice as likely to engage in violent or destructive behavior, we parents have some work to do. We all know how much stress deployment can put on a young person.  There is an emotional toll inflicted by the absence...