4MCA.com  /  Operation Reach Out: Suicide Prevention App

  1. You Can Quit Smoking – and Stay Quit

    I’ve quit smoking four times; every time I did, I couldn‘t believe how great I felt. Physical training became so much easier, the gravel came out of my voice and I felt refreshed and renewed. I finished the three-mile run on the Physical Fitness Test faster by two minutes, and...
  2. Family Violence

    People who grow up with family violence have a lot of sad and negative beliefs about themselves that they carry through life until they get help in healing their pain and fear. Read on to learn more about family violence and the steps that can be taken to help heal...
  3. Therapy: There is Help for Military Personnel

    Members of the Armed Forces may come to a place where they need therapy for a particular reason. There are services available to them that address various causes for this need. Whether it is a physical or psychological need, VA benefits provide the assistance that is necessary to return patients...
  4. Rising Military Suicide Rate Calls for Action

    “In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.” –Jose Narosky We have been at war for 10 years, and in this decade the suicide rate among members of our military has dramatically increased. In 2009, the Army lost more soldiers to suicide and accidental death than to combat fatalities. For every...
  5. Smoking Concerns for Service Members

    Tobacco use kills over 440,000 Americans each year. Unfortunately, this unhealthy habit has a long history of use in the US military. It is the hope of many people that smoking will become a thing of the past. Smoking bans in the military prohibit the use of tobacco in official...
  6. Stopping Military Sexual Assault is Men’s Work

    To the men out there who are reading Military Family, take a minute with me.  I want to talk with you. Imagine the woman in your life that is dearest to you – your wife, perhaps, or girlfriend. Maybe your mother or sister, or an old, dear friend. For only...
  7. Preventing Sexual Harassment and Assault

    Whenever men and women live and work together, as they do in the military, feelings of sexual attraction may arise. But sexual interaction isn’t always about satisfying sexual urges. Forcing sexual attention on someone who is unwilling can be about wanting to feel in charge or about feeling important. It...
  8. Staying Safe from Gang Violence

    Gangs are a growing problem in the United States today. Often, gangs form according to race, ethnicity, or neighborhood, and many use violence to gain power and control. Read on to learn more about gangs, and how to stay safe.  Reasons young people join gangs They feel outcast and want...
  9. Military Suicide is at an All-Time High

    Tragically, the Marine Corps and the Army released their reports on suicide for 2011, and we’ve learned that among Marines, suicide attempts are higher than they’ve ever been, and in the Army, more soldiers have taken their own lives than in any year previously. It is a matter of deep...
  10. Suicide Prevention

    Warning Signs Many people experience emotional and mental health crises every day. For service members and veterans, their experiences in military service can exacerbate these crises to a point of no return. Learn to recognize these warning signs: Feeling like there is no reason to live Hopelessness Anxiety, agitation, and...