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  1. Return and Reunion Tips

    Sometimes the most challenging part of a deployment can be the return. Reunion is a special time, but it can be a source of emotional strain for all members of your family. However, it can be a good time to work together to strengthen relationships. A great deal of time...
  2. A Guide to Understanding Deployment

    Being a parent can be a difficult task in itself, but being an active duty military parent can not only be complicated, but also strenuous on a family unit. The United States Armed Forces have taken precautionary measures to insure the safety and well-being of all military dependents. Why The...
  3. The Emotional Timeline of a Separation

    Brief or extended, the words “I’ll be leaving on_______ and by home by _______” strike a sadness into every military spouse’s heart. It’s a process of it’s own, somewhat like a grieving. Most spouses are given varying amounts of time to plan and prepare, but also to worry and become...
  4. Readjusting After a Deployment

    You wait and you wait and you wait for the day your soldier gets home from deployment.  Finally your life can go back to “normal,” finally you won’t have to shoulder all the responsibilities of holding down the home front.  But homecomings aren’t always the fairy tale we build up...
  5. Why You Need a “Deployment BFF”

    Deployment is hard, there is no getting around it.  Whether it is your first time around or your fifth, having your spouse gone for months at a time is just no fun.  Having a great support system is one of the best things you can do to help you through...
  6. Should You Move Home for a Deployment?

    When deployment orders come down for your soldier, it can be pretty emotional. You have a lot to do to get ready for them to leave. One decision you might have to make is if you plan to stay at your duty station for the deployment or if you plan...
  7. Doing it Again: How to prepare for yet another deployment

    This past week we got the semi-official news that my husband will be deployed again next year. I don’t consider anything official until he leaves, but this announcement most likely means he will be deploying for a fourth time in 2013. This deployment won’t be our longest with the Army,...
  8. 5 Things Nobody Tells You About Deployment

    My husband just returned from his second deployment as a Soldier; it was his third total, since he did one as a Marine prior to a stint as a civilian which led to the Army.  It was my first.  As the year progressed, I realized how many things I wished...