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  1. Care Packages, Part 2: How to Send Them

    Now that we’ve covered What To Send in a Care Package in Part 1, today in Part 2 we explain HOW to send it. Without a doubt the best way to go is USPS. They have priority flat-rate boxes (pictured) made specifically for those who are sending mail to APOs...
  2. Some Moms Wear Combat Boots

      It’s hard to imagine that not so long ago it was mandated that any women who served in the Armed Forces would be immediately discharged upon the confirmation of pregnancy.  In 1951, an Executive Order (EO 10240) signed by former president Harry S. Truman, clearly stated. “That any women...
  3. Bumper Stickers and Opsec: Caution for Military Families

    As military family members, most of us have been admonished about operational security (opsec in military-speak) countless times.  We are told- though not nearly enough of us seem to remember- never to post anything online about our spouses’ flight times, arrival times, or destinations; or anything our spouses share with...
  4. Parents of Servicemembers Share Experiences and Advice

    Parenting comes with its own challenges, but being the parent of a service member is even more complex. A small group of parents shared what they faced, and advice they have for new military parents. CONCERNS Charles Henckler, USCG ret., and his wife had concerns about their daughter’s safety and...
  5. Never Leave a Pet Behind, Either!

    At our new station, I met a lady with two gorgeous and sweet-tempered German shepherds.  Both were assistance dogs, and when she told me about their background, she mentioned that both had been abandoned and rescued.  “Who would ever abandon such beautiful, affectionate dogs?” I asked.  She told me that...
  6. Getting Married: 7 Things You Should Know

    Congratulations and welcome to a very exciting time in your life! Marriage and the military offer many challenges. The ups and downs you will experience mimic a rollercoaster ride. However, a sense of humor and patience will take you a long way. Marriage is not for everyone, just as the...
  7. How to get ready for a deployment

    We are entering into deployment season here at Ft.Campbell. Although my husband won’t be leaving for a while I know a lot of husbands who are. It reminds me of when we have had to prepare for our previous deployments. It is not a happy time and although you are...