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  1. Why you should blog during a deployment

    If you have ever thought about starting a blog, a deployment might be a good time to start. I started my first Army wife blog during my husband’s second deployment. We were in Germany and I really wanted to share some of what I had been through. I figured there...
  2. Benefits of a Deployment

    When I hear the word deployment I think about loneliness, saying goodbye, war and missing the person I love. When it comes time to get ready for a deployment, I want to find ways to make it more tolerable. One way to do that is to look at all the...
  3. Saying Goodbye to Friends

    When you are a Military family you get to meet a lot of wonderful people no matter where you go. The sad part of that is that most Military families move to a different duty station every 2-4 years. This means having to start all over, make new friends and...