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  1. Returning to a Civilian Job after Deployment

     Your work environment, like other areas of your life, may be different when you return from deployment. You may worry about how you’ll fit back into the picture. Someone may have assumed your role, or at least picked up the slack in your absence. You will be required to shift...
  2. Healing Stress Injuries

    The stress of operational deployment can challenge service members and their families like few other experiences in life.It can also change them in many significant ways. The changes caused by a tough deployment can often be positive, including developing a greater appreciation for life and relationships, a greater level of...
  3. Return and Reunion Tips

    Sometimes the most challenging part of a deployment can be the return. Reunion is a special time, but it can be a source of emotional strain for all members of your family. However, it can be a good time to work together to strengthen relationships. A great deal of time...
  4. Dealing with Stress

     Stress can hit military families hard. It is important to recognize stress when it starts to come on. Stress manifests itself many different ways and causes physical, emotional, and social problems for you. Frustration and anxiety often accompany stress. Some symptoms of stress include: Trouble sleeping Oversleeping Lack of appetite...
  5. What is PTSD?

    Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is an anxiety disorder that can occur after you have experienced a traumatic event. A traumatic event is something that you see or that happens to you that is horrible and scary. You may have felt that your life or others’ lives were in danger. You may...
  6. Casualty and Survivor Benefits

    It is not easy to consider, but if you become disabled or are killed while on deployment, your family will be entitled to benefits from the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs. Some benefits are automatic and some require your family to apply for them. Because of...
  7. Military Banking: The Basics

    As a member of the military, you have opportunities to save money that are not often given to the general civilian population. You should be taking all of the advantages of these opportunities. You can use them to start saving, spending, and investing in the correct way. The purpose of...
  8. Preparing Your Children for Deployment

    Children of military members make sacrifices every day. They have less quality time with their parents because of lengthy deployments and longer working hours. During your deployment it is important that your spouse and children are aware of the support programs and services available in the military community. You should...
  9. Marital Counseling

    Marital counseling is a great way to improve your relationship and strengthen your family. Service members and their spouses face constant stress from all aspects of their lives, but especially when preparing for deployment and when reuniting. Seeking help through these difficult times is a brave and beneficial thing to...
  10. Finding a Job after Moving

    Moving is a stressful time for any family, but when your spouse is in the military it becomes even more complex. If you plan on seeking employment after the move, consider the following tips: Plan ahead Update your resume before the chaos begins. After you arrive in a new place...