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  1. Marital Counseling

    Marital counseling is a great way to improve your relationship and strengthen your family. Service members and their spouses face constant stress from all aspects of their lives, but especially when preparing for deployment and when reuniting. Seeking help through these difficult times is a brave and beneficial thing to...
  2. Finding a Job after Moving

    Moving is a stressful time for any family, but when your spouse is in the military it becomes even more complex. If you plan on seeking employment after the move, consider the following tips: Plan ahead Update your resume before the chaos begins. After you arrive in a new place...
  3. Pearl Harbor Attack Remembered on 70th Anniversary

    Today we remember those who lost their lives in the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. In a statement The White House proclaimed today “National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day”. The President hailed veterans: “Their tenacity helped define the Greatest Generation and their valor fortified all who served during...
  4. Rising Military Suicide Rate Calls for Action

    “In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.” –Jose Narosky We have been at war for 10 years, and in this decade the suicide rate among members of our military has dramatically increased. In 2009, the Army lost more soldiers to suicide and accidental death than to combat fatalities. For every...
  5. Proposed Changes in Tricare Prescription Coverage

    The following is a guest post provided by Matt Puettmann, content manager at Veterans United Home Loans, the nation’s leading dedicated provider of military family home loans. *** Service for military members is tough regardless of which branch they serve in, and many come back from service with various physical...
  6. Resume Tips

    Whether you are entering the job market for the first time or simply updating your resume, it is important to consider a few things. When you apply for a job, your resume is likely to just get a short glance, so it should make a positive impact right away. You...
  7. Smoking Concerns for Service Members

    Tobacco use kills over 440,000 Americans each year. Unfortunately, this unhealthy habit has a long history of use in the US military. It is the hope of many people that smoking will become a thing of the past. Smoking bans in the military prohibit the use of tobacco in official...
  8. Introduction to Investing

     As discussed in the Banking & Savings section, it is essential to put away as much money as possible. The younger you are when you start saving, the easier it will be to grow a nice nest egg. Once you have established a saving routine, you should consider investing some...
  9. Applying Military Experience to Civilian Employment

    The skills and experience you have gained as a member of the military are extremely valuable to employers and important in today’s workplace. However, you have been immersed in the culture of the military, and may have difficulties explaining your skills to a prospective employer in a way they can...
  10. Divorce Considerations for Military Couples

    Divorce is a difficult decision and a painful time for any family. You will have to consider the responsibilities of each person and the consequences of ending your marriage, which is especially complicated when you or your partner are members of the military. Filing: Which State?  Filing for divorce can...