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  1. Welcome Home! 5 Tips for Reintegration

    The day a service member returns home from deployment is one of the happiest and most eagerly anticipated days in the life of any member of a military family. The following months are a wonderful time full of re-connection and re-discovery, but they can also be stressful and challenging.  A...
  2. Getting The Most Out Of Military OneSource

    The Department of Defense offers military families a comprehensive resource for all aspects of readiness, resilience, and even recreation. The program, called Military OneSouce, is meant as a virtual extension of on-base services. It offers one source of easily accessible information, resources, and services for military families. For example, Military...
  3. Building Resilient Relationships with Army Strong Bonds Retreats

    A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I enjoyed a romantic weekend getaway at a local tourist spot, complete with catered meals, outdoor activities, great relationship-building sessions, and a nice evening out. We made some new friends and came home with great insights about ourselves, each other, and our...
  4. Choosing an Online School: Safety Tips for your Education

    For service members or military spouses seeking higher education, online programs often sound like the perfect choice. Online classes are portable, so you don’t have to transfer every time you move, and mid-semester PCS or deployment orders are much less likely to wreck your transcript if you can take your...
  5. Career Advancement with MyCAA

    Education pays; the more education you have, the more likely you are to find a job and the more you are likely to earn.   The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that high school graduates earn a median yearly income of $33,072, compared to $37,024 with some college credits and $39,884...