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  1. Veteran’s Guide to Final Arrangements, Part 3: Grave Markers

    Read Part 1 of the Final Arrangements series here, and Part 2 here. Marker Types and Materials The VA will provide each deceased veteran with an upright grave marker in granite or marble, or a flat grave marker in granite, marble, or bronze.  Upright grave markers are two-to-three-inch thick slabs...
  2. America’s Homeless Heroes

    The most recent survey released by Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that over 136,000 homeless veterans spent at least one night in homeless shelters sometime during 2009; on any given night, over 75,000 veterans sleep in homeless shelters or on the streets.  Other sources...
  3. How to Leave a Job Gracefully

    If you’re a working military spouse, you know that we get a lot of experience at leaving jobs when Uncle Sam sends us elsewhere.  Even though we don’t get a real choice in the matter, we can choose to be responsible, considerate, and helpful when we break the news and...
  4. Veteran’s Guide to Final Arrangements, Part 4: Cemetery Options

    You can read Part 1 of the Veterans Guide to Final Arrangements here, Part 2 here, and Part 3 here. National Cemeteries Any veteran who meets the eligibility criteria may be buried in a National Cemetery.  The Department of Veterans Affairs maintains 131 National Cemeteries in thirty-nine states (and Puerto...
  5. Veteran’s Guide to Final Arrangements, Part 2: Memorial Items

    In addition to burial allowances, grave markers, and veterans’ cemetery interments, the families of deceased veterans are also eligible for a couple of memorial keepsake items: a burial flag and a memorial certificate signed by the President of the United States. (Read part 1 of the Final Arrangements series here)...
  6. Disaster Readiness for Military Families

    No matter where you live, you live with the possibility of some type of natural disaster – a blizzard, an earthquake, a flood, a hurricane, a tornado, or a wildfire – or man-made disaster – a blackout, a nuclear or chemical plant incident, a pandemic, or a terrorist attack. These...
  7. Need Someone to Talk To? A Guide to Getting Help

    They used to call being married to a soldier “the toughest job in the Army.”  Now more than ever, it still is, and sometimes we need some support. As military family members, it is important to remember that although most of us do not deploy or face combat situations, we...
  8. Bumper Stickers and Opsec: Caution for Military Families

    As military family members, most of us have been admonished about operational security (opsec in military-speak) countless times.  We are told- though not nearly enough of us seem to remember- never to post anything online about our spouses’ flight times, arrival times, or destinations; or anything our spouses share with...
  9. Never Leave a Pet Behind, Either!

    At our new station, I met a lady with two gorgeous and sweet-tempered German shepherds.  Both were assistance dogs, and when she told me about their background, she mentioned that both had been abandoned and rescued.  “Who would ever abandon such beautiful, affectionate dogs?” I asked.  She told me that...