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  1. Military Banking: The Basics

    As a member of the military, you have opportunities to save money that are not often given to the general civilian population. You should be taking all of the advantages of these opportunities. You can use them to start saving, spending, and investing in the correct way. The purpose of...
  2. 15 Minutes Could Save You…

    Turn on the TV for just a few minutes and someone will confidently tell you that they can “Save You a Bunch” on your Auto Insurance.  And, while that may be true, you can also save yourself “a Bunch” on your Auto Insurance.  There are four things you can do...
  3. 4 Steps for Budgeting to Pay Off your Credit Card Debt

    Credit card debt can suffocate any military family. I know, my wife and I spent several carefree years until we started trying to save for our family. Two years ago we had 12 credit cards with over $60,000 in debt. We were paying only minimum payments and weren’t even covering...
  4. Doing Some Last Minute Shopping? Don’t Buy a Tax Bill

    As the year comes to a close, there are a lot of different reasons why you might be considering investing in (buying) a mutual fund. Perhaps you got that Christmas Bonus…o.k. I know you’re on Active Duty and Uncle Sam hasn’t found it in his heart to give Christmas bonuses yet,...
  5. Proposed Changes in Tricare Prescription Coverage

    The following is a guest post provided by Matt Puettmann, content manager at Veterans United Home Loans, the nation’s leading dedicated provider of military family home loans. *** Service for military members is tough regardless of which branch they serve in, and many come back from service with various physical...
  6. Over 75 Free Offers for Veterans’ Day!

    In addition to millions of Americans shaking Veterans’ hands and saying thank you on Veterans’ Day this year, there will be thousands of locations in the United States and Canada providing free offers or special discounts to Veterans. They range from the highly publicized free meals to wedding dresses to...
  7. Veteran’s Guide to Final Arrangements, Part 3: Grave Markers

    Read Part 1 of the Final Arrangements series here, and Part 2 here. Marker Types and Materials The VA will provide each deceased veteran with an upright grave marker in granite or marble, or a flat grave marker in granite, marble, or bronze.  Upright grave markers are two-to-three-inch thick slabs...
  8. Introduction to Investing

     As discussed in the Banking & Savings section, it is essential to put away as much money as possible. The younger you are when you start saving, the easier it will be to grow a nice nest egg. Once you have established a saving routine, you should consider investing some...
  9. Veteran’s Guide to Final Arrangements, Part 4: Cemetery Options

    You can read Part 1 of the Veterans Guide to Final Arrangements here, Part 2 here, and Part 3 here. National Cemeteries Any veteran who meets the eligibility criteria may be buried in a National Cemetery.  The Department of Veterans Affairs maintains 131 National Cemeteries in thirty-nine states (and Puerto...