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  1. What to wear to Homecoming

    The deployment is almost over. You may have a homecoming date. You may even have a time which will of course change several times I am sure. But what in the world are you suppose to wear? You might be feeling pressure to dress a certain way or spend a...
  2. Traveling alone with kids

    Being a Military wife there are going to be times when you will have to travel alone.  If you have kids, you will have to travel alone with kids.  Although I don’t make this a habit, because of the Military I have had to travel several times with just me...
  3. 5 Ways to Help Military New Parents

    Becoming a parent for the first time is a huge adjustment for anyone, but add to that the stresses of military life and long distances from support networks and military families face unique challenges in adjusting to parenthood. Here are five ways you can help military families welcoming their first...