Financial Aid For Military Spouses (Part 2)
Part 1 of this article covered financial aid options which are available to everyone. As military spouses, we face unique challenges in our educational pursuits; fortunately, we also have access to unique resources to help fund our educations, such as Career Advancement Accounts and a number of scholarships specifically for... -
5 New Year’s Resolutions to Strengthen the Family
The New Year is fast approaching, and if you’re like most people, you’re taking stock of 2011 – your ups and downs, successes and failures – and figuring out how to do better in 2012. The most common resolutions people make are major life changes like losing 50 pounds or... -
Free or Discounted Child Care Agencies for Military Families
According to my father-in-law, Cokes used to cost only a nickel, everybody liked Ike, and the world was a swell place. Childcare was easy to find in this world also, since family was always nearby and you had known the neighbor’s kids their whole lives. Sadly, military people have never...
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