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  1. Just the Two of Us: Child-Free Couples and Military Culture

    I still remember the first Family Readiness Group dinner that I attended after getting engaged to my husband.  Most of the women in attendance were either pregnant, shepherding fairly young children, or both, and I barely lasted five minutes before a complete stranger hit me with the apparently inevitable (and...
  2. Why You Need a “Deployment BFF”

    Deployment is hard, there is no getting around it.  Whether it is your first time around or your fifth, having your spouse gone for months at a time is just no fun.  Having a great support system is one of the best things you can do to help you through...
  3. 5 Things Nobody Tells You About Deployment

    My husband just returned from his second deployment as a Soldier; it was his third total, since he did one as a Marine prior to a stint as a civilian which led to the Army.  It was my first.  As the year progressed, I realized how many things I wished...