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  1. Benefits to Military Families for International Adoption

    My husband and I are in the middle of our home study for an international adoption. It’s something we’ve always wanted to do, and yet weren’t sure we could in the military. We had so many questions: Would the moving and deployments hinder the process? Would we even qualify as...
  2. Military Retirement: A Blessing and a Curse

    I lost you, didn’t I? You said “this guy is completely insane! Half my pay for the rest of my life is a curse?” While I am prepared to concede your first point, gentle reader, allow me but a few paragraphs to elaborate on the second. Retirement from the military...
  3. GI Bill and Taxes….Not Exactly a Match Made in Heaven

    The Post-9/11 GI Bill is one of the best benefits out there today. The opportunity for a nearly “free” education is something you should take advantage of. But, like with many things the Post-9/11 GI Bill is not simple when it comes to taxes. Let me explain… GI Bill Alone First...
  4. What You Need To Know About The VA “Home Loan”

    One of the most substantial benefits offered to veterans upon completing their service to their country is the VA Loan Guaranty Home Loan.  It’s a program where the federal government “guarantees” your loan with a bank, lowering your interest payment, saving you a lot of money and making you eligible...
  5. Need Someone to Talk To? A Guide to Getting Help

    They used to call being married to a soldier “the toughest job in the Army.”  Now more than ever, it still is, and sometimes we need some support. As military family members, it is important to remember that although most of us do not deploy or face combat situations, we...
  6. Which Benefits Are Available to LGB Military Families?

    Gay soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines have been able to serve openly since September 20th, 2011, when the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy was officially revoked. However, due to the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the federal government is barred from recognizing same sex marriages – even if a couple...
  7. Military Tax Benefit: Delayed Actions When In a Combat Zone

    Dealing with the IRS is stressful enough. It can become even more stressful if you or your spouse is in a combat zone. The Government realizes this and those serving in a combat zone have some special exemptions for taking action with the IRS. Taking action can include: filing your taxes,...
  8. Getting The Most Out Of Military OneSource

    The Department of Defense offers military families a comprehensive resource for all aspects of readiness, resilience, and even recreation. The program, called Military OneSouce, is meant as a virtual extension of on-base services. It offers one source of easily accessible information, resources, and services for military families. For example, Military...
  9. Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance May Help Some, But Not Many

    Raise your hand if you’ve ever heard of the Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance (FSSA) Program. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? You, gentle readers with your hands in your laps, are not alone. The program, outlined in Department of Defense (DOD) Instruction 1341.11, isn’t very well known. The website used to determine...
  10. Major Defense Budget Cuts A Possibility…or Are They?

    As you may be aware, the Congressional “Super Committee” recently failed to meet their deadline to come up with a plan to cut the Federal budget. Congress has until the end of December to come up with and pass the committee’s plan, otherwise $1.2 trillion in automatic cuts (“sequestration cuts”)...