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  1. MotoMail for Marines

    Family and friends of Marines deployed to Afghanistan can send a physical letter to their loved one without leaving the house or paying for postage. MotoMail is a free, private and secure service that allows you to write a message out like an e-mail. Then, in Afghanistan, the letter will...
  2. Free or Discounted Child Care Agencies for Military Families

    According to my father-in-law, Cokes used to cost only a nickel, everybody liked Ike, and the world was a swell place. Childcare was easy to find in this world also, since family was always nearby and you had known the neighbor’s kids their whole lives. Sadly, military people have never...
  3. Children and Homecoming

    The homecoming of a service member is a major change for the children in a household. They have grown physically, emotionally, and socially during the deployment. They are not as skilled at coping with their stress because they have little life experience. As a result, they may become firmly attached...
  4. Putting the Right Spin on Employers’ Assumptions about Military Spouses

    Military spouses face some serious challenges in the job market, especially compared to our civilian counterparts. A 2007 study by the RAND Institute found that military spouses consistently had higher unemployment rates, lower wages, and slimmer prospects for advancement than civilian spouses with the same education, experience, and demographic profile....
  5. Homecoming Tips for Single Service Members

    As a single person living in the barracks, you may have new roommates when you return, or you may have someone who has been living in your home or apartment while you were away. Perhaps you moved out prior to deploying and will need to find a new residence when...
  6. Care Packages, Part 1: What to Send

    If you have weathered a deployment before, you are probably an old pro at sending care packages. This guide is intended for military spouses, parents, siblings, and friends who have little or no experience mailing packages to loved ones in combat zones. Here are some of the most popular items...
  7. Advance Pay: The Payday Loan That Isn’t

    Your PCS orders have finally arrived!  Look out!  Here comes your “friend” to give you the inside track on how to make a little money at the government’s expense.  “Advance pay, man!  It’s an interest-free loan from Uncle Sam!  Invest it, dude, or get that computer you’ve been looking for. ...