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  1. Free or Discounted Child Care Agencies for Military Families

    According to my father-in-law, Cokes used to cost only a nickel, everybody liked Ike, and the world was a swell place. Childcare was easy to find in this world also, since family was always nearby and you had known the neighbor’s kids their whole lives. Sadly, military people have never...
  2. Children and Homecoming

    The homecoming of a service member is a major change for the children in a household. They have grown physically, emotionally, and socially during the deployment. They are not as skilled at coping with their stress because they have little life experience. As a result, they may become firmly attached...
  3. Homecoming Tips for Single Service Members

    As a single person living in the barracks, you may have new roommates when you return, or you may have someone who has been living in your home or apartment while you were away. Perhaps you moved out prior to deploying and will need to find a new residence when...
  4. Caring for Yourself While Supporting Your Service Member

    Deployment and reintegration can be extremely difficult times for a family. If you are the spouse of a service member, a lot of your energy will be spent supporting your loved one. However, it is important that you take care of yourself as well. Staying Healthy Eat well. Be conscious...
  5. Retirement: Parties, Opportunities, and Attitude

    Throughout our time in the AF, we threw lots of parties.  Monday night football parties, roasting pigs in our backyard parties, Christmas parties, promotion parties, New Year’s Eve parties, No Clown Punching parties…. the list goes on.  It should be no surprise then, that the advent of our retirement from...
  6. Relocation, New Friends, and Long Distance Friendships

    A host of recent studies have examined the effect of frequent relocation on children and adolescents.  Military families relocate significantly more often than civilian families, and service members’ kids are not the only ones affected.  Leaving close friends and established support networks, and bidding farewell to friends as they leave for...
  7. Packing Out – Ten Tips to Stay Sane

    We took a BIG load of moving boxes to the recycling center today.  They had been piling up in our garage since we moved in to our “forever” house eleven months ago.   This is one of the downsides of retirement:  the motivation to unpack and get rid of boxes is...
  8. Preparing Your Children for Deployment

    Children of military members make sacrifices every day. They have less quality time with their parents because of lengthy deployments and longer working hours. During your deployment it is important that your spouse and children are aware of the support programs and services available in the military community. You should...