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  1. 6 Ways to Communicate Better With Your Wife

    There’s not a lot that a military man can’t do.  A normal work day can push our bodies and minds past what others would think was their limit. To prepare for combat and the rigors of deployment, we run three, four, five or miles every morning. We go on hikes...
  2. 5 Things to Know When Your Child Joins the Military

    As an Army wife and mother to three young boys the prospect of my children one day joining the military obviously makes me proud.  It would, however, be a lie to say it doesn’t scare me as well.  As someone familiar with the ins and outs of military life I...
  3. Staying Connected During the Holidays

    As the holidays approach many of our military families will be spending them apart, some for the first time.  While deployments inherently have an enormous amount of challenges the holidays can be even more stressful.  Here are six ways families can connect when separated during the holidays. Skype If your...