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  1. Vacationing and the Military: Making it Work

    Taking a family, or couples, vacation is something everyone looks forward to. Weeks, perhaps months, of planning go into the perfect trip. The food, the hotels, the travel time, the costs. Then planning the days you’ll be gone. Taking time off work – just enough to leave, have a while...
  2. Introducing Diana Stone, Our Newest Contributor!

    Well hi there. As the newest writer for Military Family I thought I’d share a little more about myself. I’m Diana, a current Army wife and past Marine wife. My husband is currently stationed in El Paso, TX, where we live with our little girl. We have been in the...
  3. Military Wife Friends Only?

    When your spouse, fiancée, or significant other joins the military, you’re suddenly faced with a multitude of information about where to find other military wives. Bases and posts include all kinds of groups and get togethers that you’re able to join. FRG (Family Readiness Group) and other programs offer meetups...