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  1. 6 Ways to Communicate Better With Your Wife

    There’s not a lot that a military man can’t do.  A normal work day can push our bodies and minds past what others would think was their limit. To prepare for combat and the rigors of deployment, we run three, four, five or miles every morning. We go on hikes...
  2. Career Advancement with MyCAA

    Education pays; the more education you have, the more likely you are to find a job and the more you are likely to earn.   The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that high school graduates earn a median yearly income of $33,072, compared to $37,024 with some college credits and $39,884...
  3. How We Celebrate Christmas

    Over the years, Sam and I have learned to celebrate Christmas in a lot of different situations. From him being in Iraq one year, to just the two of us stationed in California years ago, and last year here at Ft Bliss by ourselves. While we have our own traditions...