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  1. Married to the Military: Advice from Veteran Military Spouses

    Marrying into the military can be overwhelming-I distinctly remember trying to learn the different ranks and various acronyms and etiquette when dating my husband years ago.  Even all these years later I still can’t always remember it all but over the past seven years of being married to my Army...
  2. The Importance of a Positive Attitude for a Military Spouse

    It goes without saying that having a good attitude towards the ups and downs life throws your way is generally a helpful characteristic to have.  In military life, however, it is even more vital.  Life as a military spouse requires the relinquishment of a certain amount of control that for...
  3. Readjusting After a Deployment

    You wait and you wait and you wait for the day your soldier gets home from deployment.  Finally your life can go back to “normal,” finally you won’t have to shoulder all the responsibilities of holding down the home front.  But homecomings aren’t always the fairy tale we build up...
  4. Why You Need a “Deployment BFF”

    Deployment is hard, there is no getting around it.  Whether it is your first time around or your fifth, having your spouse gone for months at a time is just no fun.  Having a great support system is one of the best things you can do to help you through...
  5. Preparing for an Overseas Move

    Receiving orders to relocate overseas can be exciting and intimidating all at the same time. For some, the prospect of moving to a foreign country can be scary-how will I communicate? Will I see be able to visit family? Will I be able to acclimate to a new culture? However,...
  6. How to Save at the Commissary

    Many people mistakenly believe that the commissary always has the lowest prices…while this isn’t always true it can offer savings.  Here are some things to know about shopping at the commissary to help you get the best deals: Surcharge While the commissary doesn’t charge tax, there is a surcharge added...
  7. 5 Things to Know When Your Child Joins the Military

    As an Army wife and mother to three young boys the prospect of my children one day joining the military obviously makes me proud.  It would, however, be a lie to say it doesn’t scare me as well.  As someone familiar with the ins and outs of military life I...
  8. Staying Connected During the Holidays

    As the holidays approach many of our military families will be spending them apart, some for the first time.  While deployments inherently have an enormous amount of challenges the holidays can be even more stressful.  Here are six ways families can connect when separated during the holidays. Skype If your...
  9. 5 Ways to Help Military New Parents

    Becoming a parent for the first time is a huge adjustment for anyone, but add to that the stresses of military life and long distances from support networks and military families face unique challenges in adjusting to parenthood. Here are five ways you can help military families welcoming their first...