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  1. Married to the Military: Advice from Veteran Military Spouses

    Marrying into the military can be overwhelming-I distinctly remember trying to learn the different ranks and various acronyms and etiquette when dating my husband years ago.  Even all these years later I still can’t always remember it all but over the past seven years of being married to my Army...
  2. Benefits to Military Families for International Adoption

    My husband and I are in the middle of our home study for an international adoption. It’s something we’ve always wanted to do, and yet weren’t sure we could in the military. We had so many questions: Would the moving and deployments hinder the process? Would we even qualify as...
  3. Building Resilient Relationships with Army Strong Bonds Retreats

    A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I enjoyed a romantic weekend getaway at a local tourist spot, complete with catered meals, outdoor activities, great relationship-building sessions, and a nice evening out. We made some new friends and came home with great insights about ourselves, each other, and our...
  4. Secondary PTSD

    Seventeen percent of service members who fought in the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan have reported having symptoms of major depression, generalized anxiety, or PTSD according to the New England Journal of Medicine. Many of those men and women have families who are expected to care for them, be the...
  5. More Free Veterans Day Opportunities!

    After three days of Googling, calling companies and emailing we were still able to find a few more special offers for Veterans Day. In total over 41,000 locations across the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are honoring veterans with more than 125 opportunities. Today, in Part 4, More Free...
  6. Just the Two of Us: Child-Free Couples and Military Culture

    I still remember the first Family Readiness Group dinner that I attended after getting engaged to my husband.  Most of the women in attendance were either pregnant, shepherding fairly young children, or both, and I barely lasted five minutes before a complete stranger hit me with the apparently inevitable (and...
  7. 5 Things to Know When Your Child Joins the Military

    As an Army wife and mother to three young boys the prospect of my children one day joining the military obviously makes me proud.  It would, however, be a lie to say it doesn’t scare me as well.  As someone familiar with the ins and outs of military life I...
  8. Staying Connected During the Holidays

    As the holidays approach many of our military families will be spending them apart, some for the first time.  While deployments inherently have an enormous amount of challenges the holidays can be even more stressful.  Here are six ways families can connect when separated during the holidays. Skype If your...
  9. Planning a baby around the Military

    When my husband joined the Army we had one 13-month old boy. We knew we wanted more children but as we quickly learned, we would have to plan it around the Military. We are not alone. Many Military families have to plan their families around Military schedules, deployments and pcs...