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  1. Relocation, New Friends, and Long Distance Friendships

    A host of recent studies have examined the effect of frequent relocation on children and adolescents.  Military families relocate significantly more often than civilian families, and service members’ kids are not the only ones affected.  Leaving close friends and established support networks, and bidding farewell to friends as they leave for...
  2. Why You Need a “Deployment BFF”

    Deployment is hard, there is no getting around it.  Whether it is your first time around or your fifth, having your spouse gone for months at a time is just no fun.  Having a great support system is one of the best things you can do to help you through...
  3. Saying Goodbye to Friends

    When you are a Military family you get to meet a lot of wonderful people no matter where you go. The sad part of that is that most Military families move to a different duty station every 2-4 years. This means having to start all over, make new friends and...