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MilitaryFamily.com provides support and guidance to active-duty and retired military members and to military families. Enjoy articles, news & opinion, giveaways, free downloads, apps and more. Sponsored by Military Community Awareness.

Recent Articles

  1. Relationships and Finances

    Perhaps the only things in life that can rival the anxiety-producing effects of a relationship are money and finances. Money and finances in a relationship can cause a couple to worry and to have anxiety for...
  2. Bumper Stickers and Opsec: Caution for Military Families

    As military family members, most of us have been admonished about operational security (opsec in military-speak) countless times.  We are told- though not nearly enough of us seem to remember- never to post anything online about...
  3. Getting Involved on Post

    When you move to a new duty station it can feel a little overwhelming and scary when it comes to meeting new people. It can also be a little lonely while you work on making new...
  4. Never Leave a Pet Behind, Either!

    At our new station, I met a lady with two gorgeous and sweet-tempered German shepherds.  Both were assistance dogs, and when she told me about their background, she mentioned that both had been abandoned and rescued....
  5. Which Benefits Are Available to LGB Military Families?

    Gay soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines have been able to serve openly since September 20th, 2011, when the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy was officially revoked. However, due to the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the...

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