provides support and guidance to active-duty and retired military members and to military families. Enjoy articles, news & opinion, giveaways, free downloads, apps and more. Sponsored by Military Community Awareness.
It goes without saying that having a good attitude towards the ups and downs life throws your way is generally a helpful characteristic to have. In military life, however, it is even more vital. Life as...
Brief or extended, the words “I’ll be leaving on_______ and by home by _______” strike a sadness into every military spouse’s heart. It’s a process of it’s own, somewhat like a grieving. Most spouses are given...
Today we remember those who lost their lives in the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. In a statement The White House proclaimed today “National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day”. The President hailed veterans: “Their...
You wait and you wait and you wait for the day your soldier gets home from deployment. Finally your life can go back to “normal,” finally you won’t have to shoulder all the responsibilities of holding...
My oldest son has been through three deployments plus a long separation that was pretty much as long as our 3rd deployment. He is 8 years old and Daddy has been gone a lot during those...
Deployment is hard, there is no getting around it. Whether it is your first time around or your fifth, having your spouse gone for months at a time is just no fun. Having a great support...
When deployment orders come down for your soldier, it can be pretty emotional. You have a lot to do to get ready for them to leave. One decision you might have to make is if you...
Prime PCS season may be a few months away for most military families, but you never know when Uncle Sam will send your loved one home with travel orders in hand (just ask me how I...
This past week we got the semi-official news that my husband will be deployed again next year. I don’t consider anything official until he leaves, but this announcement most likely means he will be deploying for...
I have been an Army wife for a little over 7 years now. Before my husband joined I had some idea about Military life, but I really didn’t know what it truly meant to be married...
A guest post from David J. Karwoski – John was a disabled Vietnam veteran who struggled with debilitating health issues as a result of the war. His daily struggles centered around diabetes, peripheral neuropathy and residual...
“In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.” –Jose Narosky We have been at war for 10 years, and in this decade the suicide rate among members of our military has dramatically increased. In 2009, the Army...