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  1. More Free Veterans Day Opportunities!

    After three days of Googling, calling companies and emailing we were still able to find a few more special offers for Veterans Day. In total over 41,000 locations across the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are honoring veterans with more than 125 opportunities. Today, in Part 4, More Free...
  2. Advance Pay: The Payday Loan That Isn’t

    Your PCS orders have finally arrived!  Look out!  Here comes your “friend” to give you the inside track on how to make a little money at the government’s expense.  “Advance pay, man!  It’s an interest-free loan from Uncle Sam!  Invest it, dude, or get that computer you’ve been looking for. ...
  3. SGLI Is NOT Your Only “Life Insurance”

    If you are on active duty, there is no doubt you are aware of your benefits under the Servicemembers Group Life Insurance (SGLI) program.  SGLI is a great insurance product and an excellent benefit available to all servicemembers that pay for it.  But, the government also provides insurance protection for those...
  4. Casualty and Survivor Benefits

    It is not easy to consider, but if you become disabled or are killed while on deployment, your family will be entitled to benefits from the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs. Some benefits are automatic and some require your family to apply for them. Because of...
  5. Military Banking: The Basics

    As a member of the military, you have opportunities to save money that are not often given to the general civilian population. You should be taking all of the advantages of these opportunities. You can use them to start saving, spending, and investing in the correct way. The purpose of...
  6. 15 Minutes Could Save You…

    Turn on the TV for just a few minutes and someone will confidently tell you that they can “Save You a Bunch” on your Auto Insurance.  And, while that may be true, you can also save yourself “a Bunch” on your Auto Insurance.  There are four things you can do...
  7. 4 Steps for Budgeting to Pay Off your Credit Card Debt

    Credit card debt can suffocate any military family. I know, my wife and I spent several carefree years until we started trying to save for our family. Two years ago we had 12 credit cards with over $60,000 in debt. We were paying only minimum payments and weren’t even covering...