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  1. Staying Connected During the Holidays

    As the holidays approach many of our military families will be spending them apart, some for the first time.  While deployments inherently have an enormous amount of challenges the holidays can be even more stressful.  Here are six ways families can connect when separated during the holidays. Skype If your...
  2. What to wear to Homecoming

    The deployment is almost over. You may have a homecoming date. You may even have a time which will of course change several times I am sure. But what in the world are you suppose to wear? You might be feeling pressure to dress a certain way or spend a...
  3. Traveling alone with kids

    Being a Military wife there are going to be times when you will have to travel alone.  If you have kids, you will have to travel alone with kids.  Although I don’t make this a habit, because of the Military I have had to travel several times with just me...
  4. Last Minute DIY Military Costumes for the Kids

    Tomorrow’s Halloween and you suddenly realize – you have nothing for the kids to wear. This seems to happen to us every year, things get busy in October and we keep thinking, “We’ll just pop in and grab a costume at…” and then we never do. We’re left the day...
  5. 5 Ways to Help Military New Parents

    Becoming a parent for the first time is a huge adjustment for anyone, but add to that the stresses of military life and long distances from support networks and military families face unique challenges in adjusting to parenthood. Here are five ways you can help military families welcoming their first...
  6. Helping kids though a deployment

    One of the hardest things about getting through a deployment with kids is knowing how hard it can be for them. They might not totally understand what is going on or they might have a very difficult time missing one of their parents through a long time of being apart....
  7. Field Guide to the Commissary Shopper

    According to a recent press release, the Defense Commissary Agency recorded “more than 96 million transactions in fiscal 2011.” As a militaryfamily.com reader, chances are you were at least one of these transactions. But what kind of commissary shopper are you? This handy list can help you decide. The “Speed...
  8. Planning a baby around the Military

    When my husband joined the Army we had one 13-month old boy. We knew we wanted more children but as we quickly learned, we would have to plan it around the Military. We are not alone. Many Military families have to plan their families around Military schedules, deployments and pcs...
  9. Vacationing and the Military: Making it Work

    Taking a family, or couples, vacation is something everyone looks forward to. Weeks, perhaps months, of planning go into the perfect trip. The food, the hotels, the travel time, the costs. Then planning the days you’ll be gone. Taking time off work – just enough to leave, have a while...