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  1. Military Education and Scholarships

    Among the greatest benefits of serving in the United States military are the education benefits granted. They are offered for service members, veterans, and their families, and they allow you to earn money for school, support for your education, and the means and methods to save time and cash during...
  2. The Scam of Online Universities

    The day that many members of the Armed Forces leave the service, they’re overwhelmed by confusion about the direction of their life.  For years, their focus has been on deployments, readiness, training for combat, appeasing the First Sergeant or Senior Chief and all of the aspects of military life. Many...
  3. Relationships and Finances

    Perhaps the only things in life that can rival the anxiety-producing effects of a relationship are money and finances. Money and finances in a relationship can cause a couple to worry and to have anxiety for their future. Combining both of these essential avenues in life, relationships and finances, can...


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