Finding a Job after Moving
Moving is a stressful time for any family, but when your spouse is in the military it becomes even more complex. If you plan on seeking employment after the move, consider the following tips: Plan ahead Update your resume before the chaos begins. After you arrive in a new place... -
Just the Two of Us: Child-Free Couples and Military Culture
I still remember the first Family Readiness Group dinner that I attended after getting engaged to my husband. Most of the women in attendance were either pregnant, shepherding fairly young children, or both, and I barely lasted five minutes before a complete stranger hit me with the apparently inevitable (and... -
Lessons on Fatherhood From General Patton
For those of you who are up on your U.S. military history, you know about General George S. Patton: He was a complicated, mercurial man with delusions of grandeur, severe dyslexia and bipolar disorder. He was also one of the finest military minds that history has ever produced. He graduated...
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