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  1. Preventing Sexual Harassment and Assault

    Whenever men and women live and work together, as they do in the military, feelings of sexual attraction may arise. But sexual interaction isn’t always about satisfying sexual urges. Forcing sexual attention on someone who is unwilling can be about wanting to feel in charge or about feeling important. It...
  2. Care Packages, Part 2: How to Send Them

    Now that we’ve covered What To Send in a Care Package in Part 1, today in Part 2 we explain HOW to send it. Without a doubt the best way to go is USPS. They have priority flat-rate boxes (pictured) made specifically for those who are sending mail to APOs...
  3. Staying Safe from Gang Violence

    Gangs are a growing problem in the United States today. Often, gangs form according to race, ethnicity, or neighborhood, and many use violence to gain power and control. Read on to learn more about gangs, and how to stay safe.  Reasons young people join gangs They feel outcast and want...
  4. National Guard and Reserve: Your Rights in the Workplace

     If you are a member of the National Guard or Reserve with a full-time civilian job, you are entitled to certain benefits and protections when you are called to active duty to mobilize or deploy. Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act Overview USERRA is an act that protects members...
  5. Depression Facts

    Depression is a serious illness that requires treatment. People suffering with depression may have trouble with daily life for long periods of time. Different forms of Depression: Major Depression: Consists of severe symptoms that interfere with your ability to sleep, eat, study, work, and generally enjoy your life. Often, people...
  6. Military Education and Scholarships

    Among the greatest benefits of serving in the United States military are the education benefits granted. They are offered for service members, veterans, and their families, and they allow you to earn money for school, support for your education, and the means and methods to save time and cash during...
  7. Suicide Prevention

    Warning Signs Many people experience emotional and mental health crises every day. For service members and veterans, their experiences in military service can exacerbate these crises to a point of no return. Learn to recognize these warning signs: Feeling like there is no reason to live Hopelessness Anxiety, agitation, and...
  8. Veteran Discounts

     If you are a veteran of the armed forces, you are entitled to a lot of discounts that are provided to you as a “thank you” for your service. You should reap the benefits of these discounts to save money, but first you need to know how to find them....
  9. Gun Violence Facts

    Violence with guns is a big problem in the United States. Many people say they want a gun for self-defense, but they don’t understand that self-defense with a gun can be just as dangerous to them as to others. In fact, guns kept in the house for self-protection are 43...
  10. Preventing Dating Violence

     What is Dating Violence? Forceful behavior: pushing, shoving, hair pulling, kicking, yanking by the arm, pinning someone against a wall or on the floor. Rape—intercourse in which one individual is not a consenting participant—or any kind of forced sex. Threatening with knives, guns, or other lethal weapons. It can also...