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  1. Getting The Most Out Of Military OneSource

    The Department of Defense offers military families a comprehensive resource for all aspects of readiness, resilience, and even recreation. The program, called Military OneSouce, is meant as a virtual extension of on-base services. It offers one source of easily accessible information, resources, and services for military families. For example, Military...
  2. Financial Aid For Military Spouses (Part 2)

    Part 1 of this article covered financial aid options which are available to everyone.  As military spouses, we face unique challenges in our educational pursuits; fortunately, we also have access to unique resources to help fund our educations, such as Career Advancement Accounts and a number of scholarships specifically for...
  3. Career Advancement with MyCAA

    Education pays; the more education you have, the more likely you are to find a job and the more you are likely to earn.   The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that high school graduates earn a median yearly income of $33,072, compared to $37,024 with some college credits and $39,884...