4MCA.com  /  Operation Reach Out: Suicide Prevention App

  1. Military Retirement: A Blessing and a Curse

    I lost you, didn’t I? You said “this guy is completely insane! Half my pay for the rest of my life is a curse?” While I am prepared to concede your first point, gentle reader, allow me but a few paragraphs to elaborate on the second. Retirement from the military...
  2. Extended Family in a Military World

    My husband and I are both from California. Both of our families are in California. Most of our extended family is there, too. Since my husband joined the Army, we have lived in Germany and Tennessee. Although Tennessee is much closer than Germany was, it is still too far away....
  3. Dealing with Military Disappointment

    My husband re-joined the Army in late 2005 after being out for about 8 years. During that time he met me, we got married and had our first little boy. So when he joined he did not have to repeat basic and got to pick where he wanted to be...
  4. 5 Things to Know When Your Child Joins the Military

    As an Army wife and mother to three young boys the prospect of my children one day joining the military obviously makes me proud.  It would, however, be a lie to say it doesn’t scare me as well.  As someone familiar with the ins and outs of military life I...
  5. Army Releases November Suicide Data

    The US Army has released suicide data for the month of November. Among active-duty soldiers there were seven potential suicides, all of which are under investigation and not yet confirmed. For Reserve component soldiers, there were 8 potential suicides—two confirmed and six under investigation. As of November 30th, the Army...