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  1. Getting Married: 7 Things You Should Know

    Congratulations and welcome to a very exciting time in your life! Marriage and the military offer many challenges. The ups and downs you will experience mimic a rollercoaster ride. However, a sense of humor and patience will take you a long way. Marriage is not for everyone, just as the...
  2. Welcome Home! 5 Tips for Reintegration

    The day a service member returns home from deployment is one of the happiest and most eagerly anticipated days in the life of any member of a military family. The following months are a wonderful time full of re-connection and re-discovery, but they can also be stressful and challenging.  A...
  3. 5 Things to Know When Your Child Joins the Military

    As an Army wife and mother to three young boys the prospect of my children one day joining the military obviously makes me proud.  It would, however, be a lie to say it doesn’t scare me as well.  As someone familiar with the ins and outs of military life I...