provides support and guidance to active-duty and retired military members and to military families. Enjoy articles, news & opinion, giveaways, free downloads, apps and more. Sponsored by Military Community Awareness.
Read Part 1 of the Final Arrangements series here, and Part 2 here. Marker Types and Materials The VA will provide each deceased veteran with an upright grave marker in granite or marble, or a flat...
We moved to the UK when our oldest child was 4, our middle child was 2, and our youngest was, unbeknownst to us, a mere 9 ½ months away. We love to explore new places and...
Everyone in the military, or in a military family, knows someone who got a disability rating when they got out of the service. I know several – and not all of them are guys who have...
As discussed in the Banking & Savings section, it is essential to put away as much money as possible. The younger you are when you start saving, the easier it will be to grow a nice...
Being an Army wife has been a difficult and humbling experience for me. Seven years ago this November we became an Army family and it hasn’t been what I thought it would be. We have had...
The skills and experience you have gained as a member of the military are extremely valuable to employers and important in today’s workplace. However, you have been immersed in the culture of the military, and may...
The most recent survey released by Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that over 136,000 homeless veterans spent at least one night in homeless shelters sometime during 2009; on any given...
To the men out there who are reading Military Family, take a minute with me. I want to talk with you. Imagine the woman in your life that is dearest to you – your wife, perhaps,...
Marrying into the military can be overwhelming-I distinctly remember trying to learn the different ranks and various acronyms and etiquette when dating my husband years ago. Even all these years later I still can’t always remember...
Divorce is a difficult decision and a painful time for any family. You will have to consider the responsibilities of each person and the consequences of ending your marriage, which is especially complicated when you or...
If you’re a working military spouse, you know that we get a lot of experience at leaving jobs when Uncle Sam sends us elsewhere. Even though we don’t get a real choice in the matter, we...
Whenever men and women live and work together, as they do in the military, feelings of sexual attraction may arise. But sexual interaction isn’t always about satisfying sexual urges. Forcing sexual attention on someone who is...