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Activities For Adults
Loans & Credit
When you borrow money, you pay something extra for the privilege of borrowing. Learn more about credit and interest.
Discipline: A United Front
What if you and your spouse have different parenting styles? You can accept your differences and make an effort to complement each other’s style. Here is a list of dos and don’ts that can help you discipline effectively.
Military Life and Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse is more common than many people think, and it happens in all kinds of families at all different economic levels. Unfortunately the unique experiences of military life can increase the risk of abuse in some families.
Divorce Considerations for Military Personnel
During your divorce, your attorney will need information from you in order to determine how some of the following factors may affect your particular situation.
Activities For Kids
Be Prepared for Your Parent’s Deployment
There can be a lot of uncertainty around deployments, but it is important to understand your feelings and how to handle them.