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Activities For Adults
Reunion Myths & Realities
Every family is different. Use this worksheet to explore some common misconceptions about homecoming.
Setting the Record Straight
Use this checklist to make sure you have all your documents in order before you leave the service.
Practical Concerns Before Deployment
Before separation occurs, money and caregiving issues are two key concerns that must be discussed.
Preparing For Being Apart
These activities will help you better prepare for an upcoming separation and day-to-day challenges that can arise.
Activities For Kids
Word Scramble
These are words that describe military children, but you’ll have to unscramble them to find out what they say!
Missing Letters
Military children are special because they help our country! Fill in the blanks using the letter bank to form words that are important to the children of service members.
You Can Solve Problems!
Look at your worries as a problem to solve. Try playing the brainstorming game- it’s a great way to solve problems creatively.
What to Do When Worries Keep You Up at Night
Many people worry most at night when they are trying to fall asleep. Draw what you want to dream about to “change the channel” on your worries.