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  1. Stopping Military Sexual Assault is Men’s Work

    To the men out there who are reading Military Family, take a minute with me.  I want to talk with you. Imagine the woman in your life that is dearest to you – your wife, perhaps, or girlfriend. Maybe your mother or sister, or an old, dear friend. For only...
  2. Staying Safe from Gang Violence

    Gangs are a growing problem in the United States today. Often, gangs form according to race, ethnicity, or neighborhood, and many use violence to gain power and control. Read on to learn more about gangs, and how to stay safe.  Reasons young people join gangs They feel outcast and want...
  3. More Violence in Kids with Deployed Parents

    In light of a new study that shows children with deployed parents are twice as likely to engage in violent or destructive behavior, we parents have some work to do. We all know how much stress deployment can put on a young person.  There is an emotional toll inflicted by the absence...
  4. Gun Violence Facts

    Violence with guns is a big problem in the United States. Many people say they want a gun for self-defense, but they don’t understand that self-defense with a gun can be just as dangerous to them as to others. In fact, guns kept in the house for self-protection are 43...
  5. Preventing Dating Violence

     What is Dating Violence? Forceful behavior: pushing, shoving, hair pulling, kicking, yanking by the arm, pinning someone against a wall or on the floor. Rape—intercourse in which one individual is not a consenting participant—or any kind of forced sex. Threatening with knives, guns, or other lethal weapons. It can also...
  6. School Violence

    Did you know… Millions of crimes are committed on school grounds each year. These crimes include: Theft: Items are stolen from purses, lockers, backpacks, and cars. Physical attacks: Incidents that result in injury to one or more people, and may include robbery or sexual assault. Shootings: When a child or...
  7. Family Violence

    People who grow up with family violence have a lot of sad and negative beliefs about themselves that they carry through life until they get help in healing their pain and fear. Read on to learn more about family violence and the steps that can be taken to help heal...