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  1. Healing Stress Injuries

    The stress of operational deployment can challenge service members and their families like few other experiences in life.It can also change them in many significant ways. The changes caused by a tough deployment can often be positive, including developing a greater appreciation for life and relationships, a greater level of...
  2. What is PTSD?

    Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is an anxiety disorder that can occur after you have experienced a traumatic event. A traumatic event is something that you see or that happens to you that is horrible and scary. You may have felt that your life or others’ lives were in danger. You may...
  3. Therapy: There is Help for Military Personnel

    Members of the Armed Forces may come to a place where they need therapy for a particular reason. There are services available to them that address various causes for this need. Whether it is a physical or psychological need, VA benefits provide the assistance that is necessary to return patients...