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  1. Never Leave a Pet Behind, Either!

    At our new station, I met a lady with two gorgeous and sweet-tempered German shepherds.  Both were assistance dogs, and when she told me about their background, she mentioned that both had been abandoned and rescued.  “Who would ever abandon such beautiful, affectionate dogs?” I asked.  She told me that...
  2. Family Readiness Group: How the FRG can help you

    I never knew what the FRG was until my husband joined the Army last March. In the Marines, I was too new and too young to really put any thought into what they offered – and the Marines (at least a decade ago) weren’t nearly as family oriented as the...
  3. Are FRGs worth your time?

    In the Army we have what are called FRGs. They stand for “Family Readiness Group” and are usually made up of the spouses from the same Company that your soldier is apart of. Sometimes they have FRGs at the unit level. When you first move to a new place, you...
  4. Differences Between Being Stationed in the US and Overseas

    My husband and I spent four years in Germany. We were stationed at two different places, Schweinfurt and Grafenwoeher. Germany was my first experience with the Army and my first experience living on an Army post. We have now been at Fort Campbell on the Kentucky and Tennessee border for...