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  1. SGLI Is NOT Your Only “Life Insurance”

    If you are on active duty, there is no doubt you are aware of your benefits under the Servicemembers Group Life Insurance (SGLI) program.  SGLI is a great insurance product and an excellent benefit available to all...
  2. Relocation, New Friends, and Long Distance Friendships

    A host of recent studies have examined the effect of frequent relocation on children and adolescents.  Military families relocate significantly more often than civilian families, and service members’ kids are not the only ones affected.  Leaving close...
  3. You Can Quit Smoking – and Stay Quit

    I’ve quit smoking four times; every time I did, I couldn‘t believe how great I felt. Physical training became so much easier, the gravel came out of my voice and I felt refreshed and renewed. I...
  4. Programs for Minority Veterans

    Minority veterans often face a unique set of issues, and various programs have been developed to fit their needs. The VA offers much support to minority veterans and provides several services to address their specific issues....
  5. Family Violence

    People who grow up with family violence have a lot of sad and negative beliefs about themselves that they carry through life until they get help in healing their pain and fear. Read on to learn...
  6. Returning to a Civilian Job after Deployment

     Your work environment, like other areas of your life, may be different when you return from deployment. You may worry about how you’ll fit back into the picture. Someone may have assumed your role, or at...
  7. Healing Stress Injuries

    The stress of operational deployment can challenge service members and their families like few other experiences in life.It can also change them in many significant ways. The changes caused by a tough deployment can often be...
  8. Return and Reunion Tips

    Sometimes the most challenging part of a deployment can be the return. Reunion is a special time, but it can be a source of emotional strain for all members of your family. However, it can be...
  9. Dealing with Stress

     Stress can hit military families hard. It is important to recognize stress when it starts to come on. Stress manifests itself many different ways and causes physical, emotional, and social problems for you. Frustration and anxiety...