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Resume Tips

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resume tipsWhether you are entering the job market for the first time or simply updating your resume, it is important to consider a few things. When you apply for a job, your resume is likely to just get a short glance, so it should make a positive impact right away. You want your resume to look professional and concise, with a good amount of information and skills. It should be tailored as much as possible to the job for which you are applying. Here are some tips to consider while editing your resume.


  • Use an appropriate font.
  • Be sure the margins are even and there is a nice balance of text with white space.
  • Label the sections clearly, using a larger font or bolding them.
  • Text should be sized consistently- e.g. 14 for section titles, 12 for content.
  • Space the information so that it is pleasing to the eye.
  • The layout should look professional, not like information was put in a template.
  • Use lines, bolding, and italics properly.



  • Clearly state your career objective at the top of the page- below your name and contact information, but above your education and employment experience. This gives the potential employer a sense of your value and experience level.
  • Make sure that the flow of the content is logical. If you lack professional experience, emphasize your education, skills, and community activities.
  • The information you provide should be relevant and important. You should be able to discuss it with ease and enthusiasm if they call you for an interview.
  • Use an implied first-person voice. Exclude personal pronouns like I, me, etc.
  • If relevant to your field, support your accomplishments with numbers and percentages. Include extras like awards.
  • Include volunteer work, self-employment, and part-time work.
  • Make sure your responsibilities are edited and enhanced correctly. Say you worked in a library, shelving books. A good way to phrase this on a resume would be: “Circulated materials by sorting, shelving, and shifting”.
  • Use buzzwords and keywords common to your industry, but be sure to use them correctly. You should be able to explain what you mean, if questioned.


Most importantly: Proofread, proofread again, then have someone else proofread it. This cannot be stressed enough. You may feel that one typo or grammatical error is not a big deal, but this resume is going out there as a representation of you. You have the time to go over it with a fine-toothed comb; there is no reason for typos to be present.