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MilitaryFamily.com provides support and guidance to active-duty and retired military members and to military families. Enjoy articles, news & opinion, giveaways, free downloads, apps and more. Sponsored by Military Community Awareness.

Recent Articles

  1. Don’t Let Depression Go Undetected

    Military personnel are exposed to elements that may cause depression on a more regular basis. Being away from loved ones for long periods of time, being in combat and the trauma of combat can cause feelings...
  2. Give Homeless Veterans A Sense Of Home

    Though some might associate the term “homeless vets” with nothing more than a line from Billy Joel, the sad fact is that twenty-two years after the recording of “We Didn’t Start The Fire”, little has changed...
  3. Relationships and Finances

    Perhaps the only things in life that can rival the anxiety-producing effects of a relationship are money and finances. Money and finances in a relationship can cause a couple to worry and to have anxiety for...
  4. Bumper Stickers and Opsec: Caution for Military Families

    As military family members, most of us have been admonished about operational security (opsec in military-speak) countless times.  We are told- though not nearly enough of us seem to remember- never to post anything online about...
  5. Getting Involved on Post

    When you move to a new duty station it can feel a little overwhelming and scary when it comes to meeting new people. It can also be a little lonely while you work on making new...

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