provides support and guidance to active-duty and retired military members and to military families. Enjoy articles, news & opinion, giveaways, free downloads, apps and more. Sponsored by Military Community Awareness.
As you may be aware, the Congressional “Super Committee” recently failed to meet their deadline to come up with a plan to cut the Federal budget. Congress has until the end of December to come up...
Congress recently authorized an expansion for the role played by female troops in combat zones. There’s been a lot of attention paid to this, but it’s actually a relatively small change that only codified in law...
Although planning a wedding can be stressful, there is no doubt any married man will tell you it is completely, unreservedly worth every minute. One decision, however, looms over even the color of the text on...
I’ve been told that Albert Einstein stated that compound interest was the 8th wonder of the world. My 6th-grade teacher, Mr. Rast, helped demonstrate that to me more than a few years ago. He asked me...
For service members or military spouses seeking higher education, online programs often sound like the perfect choice. Online classes are portable, so you don’t have to transfer every time you move, and mid-semester PCS or deployment...
It’s tax time again, which means the countdown to April 15th is on. According to a recent government survey (reported in Forbes magazine), taxpayers will spend a whopping 6.1 billion hours “complying with the tax code.”...
I recently attended a day of continuing education conducted by the National Association of Personal Financial Advisers or NAPFA. About one-half of the day was dedicated to the review of an actual estate settlement and several examples...
Military Family recently received a question from a reader about the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP). The question involved the duration of SBP payments. The reader wanted to know how long her husband, an Air Force Retiree,...
Family and friends of Marines deployed to Afghanistan can send a physical letter to their loved one without leaving the house or paying for postage. MotoMail is a free, private and secure service that allows you...
Part 1 of this article covered financial aid options which are available to everyone. As military spouses, we face unique challenges in our educational pursuits; fortunately, we also have access to unique resources to help fund...
The New Year is fast approaching, and if you’re like most people, you’re taking stock of 2011 – your ups and downs, successes and failures – and figuring out how to do better in 2012. The...
According to my father-in-law, Cokes used to cost only a nickel, everybody liked Ike, and the world was a swell place. Childcare was easy to find in this world also, since family was always nearby and...