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MilitaryFamily.com provides support and guidance to active-duty and retired military members and to military families. Enjoy articles, news & opinion, giveaways, free downloads, apps and more. Sponsored by Military Community Awareness.

Recent Articles

  1. Children and Homecoming

    The homecoming of a service member is a major change for the children in a household. They have grown physically, emotionally, and socially during the deployment. They are not as skilled at coping with their stress...
  2. Protecting Yourself Against Domestic Violence

    Home is supposed to be a haven, but sometimes it can be a dark place when physical violence occurs. Some people take out their stress and frustration on the ones they love the most. They may...
  3. Homecoming Tips for Single Service Members

    As a single person living in the barracks, you may have new roommates when you return, or you may have someone who has been living in your home or apartment while you were away. Perhaps you...
  4. Financial Aid for Military Spouses (Part 1)

    Education is the best way to increase your employment opportunities and your earning potential, and for many people, learning is a worthwhile goal in its own right.  The bad news is that the cost of higher...
  5. Preparing for an Overseas Move

    Receiving orders to relocate overseas can be exciting and intimidating all at the same time. For some, the prospect of moving to a foreign country can be scary-how will I communicate? Will I see be able...

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