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  1. More Free Veterans Day Opportunities!

    After three days of Googling, calling companies and emailing we were still able to find a few more special offers for Veterans Day. In total over 41,000 locations across the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are honoring veterans with more than 125 opportunities. Today, in Part 4, More Free...
  2. 15 Minutes Could Save You…

    Turn on the TV for just a few minutes and someone will confidently tell you that they can “Save You a Bunch” on your Auto Insurance.  And, while that may be true, you can also save yourself “a Bunch” on your Auto Insurance.  There are four things you can do...
  3. 4 Steps for Budgeting to Pay Off your Credit Card Debt

    Credit card debt can suffocate any military family. I know, my wife and I spent several carefree years until we started trying to save for our family. Two years ago we had 12 credit cards with over $60,000 in debt. We were paying only minimum payments and weren’t even covering...
  4. Over 75 Free Offers for Veterans’ Day!

    In addition to millions of Americans shaking Veterans’ hands and saying thank you on Veterans’ Day this year, there will be thousands of locations in the United States and Canada providing free offers or special discounts to Veterans. They range from the highly publicized free meals to wedding dresses to...
  5. Military Retirement: A Blessing and a Curse

    I lost you, didn’t I? You said “this guy is completely insane! Half my pay for the rest of my life is a curse?” While I am prepared to concede your first point, gentle reader, allow me but a few paragraphs to elaborate on the second. Retirement from the military...
  6. Relationships and Finances

    Perhaps the only things in life that can rival the anxiety-producing effects of a relationship are money and finances. Money and finances in a relationship can cause a couple to worry and to have anxiety for their future. Combining both of these essential avenues in life, relationships and finances, can...
  7. How to make the most of your paycheck

    Your pay in the military is fixed by your rank and time in grade. That’s part of the appeal of the service. Making that paycheck stretch is something many struggle with, especially as they are starting out. There are things you can do that effect the amount of pay you...
  8. A Guide to Easy Budgeting for Military Personnel

    Many people are under the misconception that military personnel have it made, financially. However, they live paycheck to paycheck just like everyone else does. They have the same bills and expenses as civilians, plus some. Low ranking military personnel have it the hardest because they aren’t paid as much as...