4MCA.com  /  Operation Reach Out: Suicide Prevention App
  1. Preparing Your Children for Deployment

    Children of military members make sacrifices every day. They have less quality time with their parents because of lengthy deployments and longer working hours. During your deployment it is important that your spouse and children are aware of the support programs and services available in the military community. You should...
  2. 5 Lessons on Fatherhood from…PT?

    Fathers, like children, should walk around with their eyes wide open.  There are lessons everywhere – something to learn from everyday activities, wisdom to glean from our superiors and our subordinates, and a lot of applicable knowledge from our military careers. Yes, even PT can teach us a thing or...
  3. Marital Counseling

    Marital counseling is a great way to improve your relationship and strengthen your family. Service members and their spouses face constant stress from all aspects of their lives, but especially when preparing for deployment and when reuniting. Seeking help through these difficult times is a brave and beneficial thing to...


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