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  1. The Goldman Sachs Letter and You

    The letter from a resigning Goldman Sachs executive has become quite the Internet rage. Most of us will never deal with Goldman Sachs and the letter may seem to be nothing more than an interesting “rant”. But, is that necessarily true? Maybe not. The letter spends a fair bit of time...
  2. Should You Take Advantage of the TSP’s G Fund?

    Are you invested in the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)? If so, did you realize that you have access to an investment vehicle that others can’t access? You do. The humble G Fund is unique and it is only available to those who invest through TSP. Let me explain… The Treasury Department issues...
  3. Military Tax Break: Sale of Primary Residence

    Let’s face it. If you are in the military and have purchased a house, often times the real estate market and your PCS orders don’t always agree with each other. Sometimes you’re forced to move when it just doesn’t make sense to sell. Many of you (and myself in the...